The following are the qualities of nature:
- It has a well ordered system
- It is the source of life
- It is not man made
- It is not dependent on human beings
- It sustain the human race
- It is beautiful
- It has peace
- It is dynamic
- It is well diversed
- It is a source of life
The following are the qualities of a mother:
- a good role model
- Patient
- Forgiving
- Supportive and loving
- respectful
Mother and nature are often compared and treated as similar to each other:
- Nature takes care of animals by acting as their home. A mother takes care of her child by giving him/her shelter.
- Nature gives food through fruit-bearing trees, meat of some animals while a mother provides food for her child
- Nature and mother are both caring
To read more of this:
Qualities of nature and a mother https://brainly.ph/question/275925