Instructions: On the space provided before each number put a T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE. 1. Physical maturity normally occurs two years earlier for girls than for boys. 2. Thinking about things that cannot be seen, heard or touched means abstract thinking. 3. Adolescents are into excessive grooming habits. 4. During adolescence, youth are more attracted in real life experiences and real learning opportunities. 5. Adolescence is confronted with the big task of establishing a sense of identity. 6. Adolescence should develop emotional intelligence which is the ability to get along well with other people, and many different types of relationships. 7. Spirituality entails deep feelings and beliefs, such as person's sense of purpose, connection to others, and understanding of the real implication of life. 8. During adolescence, social networks of adolescence greatly get bigger to include many more people, and many different types of relationships. 9. During late adolescence, complex thinking processes are used to focus on less self-centered concepts as well as personal decision-making. 10. Decline in self-esteem is evident among adolescents particularly during transition due to lower grades or even failure in high school.