yung no. 2 lng guyss
1.) Establishing your priorities. Setting up your priorities is necessary in order to complete everything that needs to be done. Doing the important task first than the least important is part of initiating priorities.
Example: You accomplished first a homework that is due tomorrow than to review a lesson for quiz on next week.
2.) Be organize. List the things you are going to do for a day. This will able to help us focus on the main task we are going to get done.
Example: You set a schedule plan for the things to be completed.
3.) Self-discipline. Set aside the things that will affect your priorities. A student with a strong sense of discipline understands the value of wrapping up work on time and making the right moves to achieve its target.
Example: You avoid procrastinating or the urge to multi-task.
4.) Be self aware. Time tracking helps you see the unproductive tasks you engage with, the time spent on them, and how often you procrastinate. This way, you can work on improving yourself by lessening the unproductive tasks and procrastination, which is the killer of productivity.
Example: You set a specific amount of time of your priorities that needed to be done in a day with the help of time management applications on your phone or any gadgets at home.
5.) Take breaks. It will help us for our brain and body to function well and not get drained.
Example: Resting, relaxing, meditation, sleeping
6.) Plan ahead. By planning ahead, you become proactive and foresee issues or roadblocks that may come your way and therefore plan the actions to avoid the roadblocks or face them confidently.
Example: You take down notes of the things you will do for tomorrow, next day, and so on.
7.) Organize your workspace. An organized workspace can help you save time within your day by preventing you from having to search for the materials you need to complete each task. Additionally, developing organizational skills will help you strengthen your planning capabilities. Not having to worry about finding particular documents or task materials will help alleviate daily stress.
Example: You separate your documents, files, and other stuff on each different organizers with label on it.
8.) Reinforce your good habits. When you finish tasks or you notice that you’ve made a difference in your productivity by developing your time management skills using some of these techniques, you may want to reinforce your success with a small reward. Finding an enjoyable reward for yourself that doesn’t detract from your daily productivity may reduce stress and motivate you to continue developing your time-management skills.
Example: You treat yourself your favorite food after accomplishing your works.