Or Communication
Module 1: Communicative Strategies
MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE Read the sentences carefully and then wriae TRUE
in the sentence is correct, if not, change the underlined word to make the sentence
meaning by a target language in which the suitable systematic target language rules have not
Communicative Strategy is a systematic attempt by the learner to express
been formed
2. Nomination refers to the act of the speaker wherein he or she invites, o
nominates the participant's to leave the discussion.
3. Conclusion contains facts and evidences to support the thesis statement
4. Restriction in communication refers to any limitation you may have as 2
5. Tum-taking refers to the opportunity given to a speaker to talk
6. Turn taking pertains to the conflict by which people decide who takes the
conversational floor
7. Release-turn suggests that a speaker has started talking and is ready to yield
the floor to another person to take his or her turn.
others attempting to take the floor.
8. Hogging the floor means a speaker takes a long time on the floor and ignores
9. Topic control occurs when the listener manipulates the discussion so as to
maintain its flow without moving away from or changing the topic
direction of the flow of ideas in a conversation.
10. Topic shifting occurs when one intentionally or unintentionally changes the
11. Turn- taking refers to how the speakers address the problems in speaking
listening and comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation
12 Interruption happens when the listener thinks it is his turn and begins to speak
13. Grabbing the floor happens when a listener interrupts the current speaker and
unsuccessfully takes over
14. Termination refers to the conversation participant's close-initiating
expressions that starts a topic in a conversation
15. Only verbal signals are used to end a conversation.
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