Possible solution ca be found at our own homes:
>Salt water is formed when we mix salt (generally table salt) in water. Here, water is the solvent and salt is the solute.
>Sugar water is formed by mixing sugar in water.
>Mouthwash consists of a number of chemicals dissolved in water.
>Tincture of iodine is obtained by dissolving crystals of iodine in alcohol.
>Soda contains sugar, carbon dioxide, color, etc. in water.
>Kool Aid contains sugar and color in water.
>Vinegar is obtained when we mix acetic acid in water.
>Hydrogen peroxide solution is typically a 3-6% solution of hydrogen peroxide. This is formed by mixing hydrogen peroxide in water.
>Detergent solution is obtained by mixing detergent in water.
>Window cleaner consists of a number of chemicals and fragrance in water.
Other solutions may include vegetable oil, liquid cleaning agents, juice,soup, wine, beer, tea, coffee, soy sauce, etc.