A. Draw on the space If It shows the good characteristics of physical and psychosocial environment and draw not
1. has safe environment 2 there is trust and oneness
not convenient to transportation
4 has fresh air
S. has flexible space
6. free from abuse
7. has social status discrimination
8. has limited space
9. has good water quality 10. free from distractions
he statement shows maintaining physical and psychosocial healthy school and community
etonment and (X) t is not.
the teachers in our school are approachable.
hour community we practice the waste segregation. 3 the garbage collector regularly collects garbage.
the street sweepers in our barangay always kept our S old trees without planting new one.
S Ay clossmate and I dispose our waste properly.
surroundings clean.
tes attend beneficial activities in our community. 3 Our borangay captain leads the campaign on keeping surroundings clean and healthy.
We always welcome transferees in our class. 10 My brother joins in planting
TL There is curfew hour in our barangay. 2 Margo do not participates or attends
3 We always work together in our class.
in any SK activities.
4. The people in our community are actively involved in worthwhile projects.
15. Other factories are responsible for air pollution.