had arrived) at the palace. SUMMATIVE TEST 5 Directions: Write "D" if the statement is a Direct Speech and "ID" if it is an Indirect Speech. Write it before the number.
_1. We are getting married this afternoon. _2. He said I was a very good employee. _3. It is sunny here.
_4. She said she went to a concert the day.
_5. She said Harvey is their pet dog. _6. Emily told me she had finished her project.
_7. "I am really tired," she said.
_8. He told me they had come to the house around 4:30pm.
_9. "We have eaten breakfast already," Brian said.
_10. "Sam can play with you today," Mrs. Groban told me.
_11. The director said I had to wear formal clothes to the event.
_12. "We shall be quite tired when we finish," said Dan.
_13. "I have been standing here waiting for the elevator for ages!"
_14. She said she had been working on a project for two weeks.
_15. "That man is trying to get aw TU