3. The listeners
A. were accustomed to good music
B. heard singing often
C. seldom heard a lark
D. didn’t enjoy the song
4. The lark was a native of
A. a mining town
B. England
C. Australia
D. a warm southern country
5. The lark sang
A. most of the time
B. usually
C. early in the evening
D. at a stated time
6. What made the lark sing his best?
A. the sun
B. his home
C. the miners
D. the quietness
7. The lark to sing
A. at once
B. with a loud voice
C. as if he was sure of himself
D. with a rollicking voice
8. The mistress of the house
A. was certain the lark would sing
B. was uncertain whether the lark would sing
C. said he wouldn’t sing
D. thought he would sing
9. Did the woman teach the lark his song?
A. the miners thought she did
B. Yes
C. no
D. probably
10. As the lark sang, he
A. flew about among the trees
B. sat in his cage
C. thought of his English home
D. thought of his Australian home
11. The lark
A. started on schedule
B. began strongly
C. sang off pitch
D. far from home
12. The miners were
A. in the mines
B. walking home
C. in a foreign country
D. far from home