read the following statements & situations and determine whether it is FINE ARTS or PRACTICAL ARTS
1. Painting is expressed by line, form, texture, value or color. It is being used as decoration, educational tool and advertisement.
2. Applied Arts refers mostly to household arts; e.g. flower arrangement, interior decoration, dressing, home-making, embroidery, cooking & others.
3. Agriculture Art refers to agronomy (crop production), horticulture, husbandry and farming. 4. Music is the combination of sounds.
5. Sculpture is expressed either by carving, shaping or modeling.
6. Fishery Arts includes shallow & deep-sea fishing, fish refrigeration and culture.
7. Medical Arts comprises first aid treatments, medical operations & surgery & others.
8. Literature is known as fine writing which is involves writing of poem, short-stories, novels_ plays, essay, etc.
9. Dance is based upon music or any rhythmic sound and is characterized by rhythmic or repetition.
10. Industrial Arts is the changing of raw materials into some significant production for huma consumption or use.